On October 25th Alma Media hosted HelsinkiJS, Frontend Finland and HelNode joint event for 150+ attendees at Alma headquarters in Helsinki.

After some drinks & snacks, the event started with welcoming words by Oleg Podsechin & Allan Fernando Arriaga from HelsinkiJS, Samuli Hakoniemi from Frontend Finland and Ari Palo from Alma.

Serverless SSR with React and styled-components

CTO Niilo Ursin from Alma Talent started the presentations by describing how they used AWS Lambda to “serverless-ly server-side render” talouselama.fi with ReactJS, how it made the site fast and how it also improved developer experience. He also showed how they used styled components.

Of browser engine memory management and examples of badly behaving websites

Second presenter of the evening was Olli Pettay, DOM team engineer, from Mozilla no less! He presented some examples of memory-leak-wise badly behaving websites and how to analyze & debug memory leaks.

Enabling integration through technology

Daniel Rahman from Integrify explained how they aim to better integrate immigrants and refugees to society & work life by connecting them with technology jobs.

Rapid Prototyping Hacks That Might Save Your Soul

Antti Vähäkotamäki from meetin.gs gave a fun presentation about rapid prototyping hacks, such as using Google Spreadsheets as a backend and how to distribute your (prototype) app via Dropbox.

Parting words

It was nice to see so many people from both HelsinkiJS, Frontend Finland and HelNode communities! We’ll most certainly will organize another event next year! Until next time!